Freitag, 14. Juni 2024

(fällt aus) Women‘s movements in Turkey. Historical and Intersectional Perspective (in English)

20:00 Uhr
Handan Çağlayan, İclal Ayşe Küçükkırca

Women's movements in Turkey have a long and strong history, especially since 1986, when the first feminist campaign against violence against women took place in Turkey. The various Turkish women's movements are regionally, ethnically, religiously, ideologically, class and gender diverse. Although the topic is not new, it is important to shed light on the challenges facing women's movements in Turkey's current authoritarian-neoliberal phase. The women's movement and LGBTQ activists remain almost the only source of resistance to the current political system in Turkey. In this book, Turkish academics, lawyers and key activists shed light on the historical facts of the women's movement in Turkey, the diversity of feminist movements as a whole and the current political situation. Particular attention is paid to the developments of the 2000s, resistance practices and the intersectionality of the movements.

Handan Çağlayan is a human rights activist and scholar. She studied social policy and political science at the Faculty of Political Science at Ankara University. She received her doctorate from the same faculty in 2006. She works on topics including women's political participation, the Kurdish women's movement, violence against women and forced migration.

İclal Ayşe Küçükkırca is a feminist activist and scholar. She completed her PhD in the Social, Political, Ethical and Legal Philosophy program at Binghamton University, New York, in 2011. Her areas of interest include gender/sexuality studies and feminist political philosophy. In 2017, she received the Şirin Tekeli Research Encouragement Award for her research titled Women's/Feminist Movements in Turkey.